Welcome to our new retail range! We've partnered with our finest chefs to bring their signature dishes to farm shops and independent retailers across the UK.
Keep an eye out here as we continue adding new locations in the coming months.
Council of Eaters Members Only
The Council of Eaters is a group of passionate HomeCooks customers who help shape our meal selection. By taste testing new dishes at a discounted price, they play a crucial role in helping us choose the very best meals to offer.
Learn how to become one.
Learn how to become one.
Council of Eaters Members Only
The Council of Eaters is a group of passionate HomeCooks customers who help shape our meal selection. By taste testing new dishes at a discounted price, they play a crucial role in helping us choose the very best meals to offer.
Learn how to become one.
Learn how to become one.
5 products
Council of Eaters Members Only
The Council of Eaters is a group of passionate HomeCooks customers who help shape our meal selection. By taste testing new dishes at a discounted price, they play a crucial role in helping us choose the very best meals to offer.
Learn how to become one.
Learn how to become one.